Friday 23 April 2010

Reece Tiwari Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

When deciding upon our title we focused on the main plot of the film and what Andrew Mathews actually did in the movie, he researched the government for educational purposes and for his own interests. Conversely, the government also observe the character throughout the movie, therefore we believed that "Researched" was the perfect title for the movie.

We based the idea and the plot of the film on the "illuminati" and the "Freemasons" which have numerous conspiracy theories attached to them, mainly concerned with the government taking control of the world economically without the people knowing, this is explained in more detail in films such as Invisible Empire - A New World Order. This is why we used Illuminati and masonic symbolism in our opening in order to express that the observers of Andrew Matthews were the government.
We decided to focus and use the school as the setting because it makes the situation and the character more normal. Therefore creating a greater interest by the audience to what is going on with the character.

The opening to "Researched" hints out on the current and future events of the whole film; the fact that at the very start between the aerial shot of the triangular shaped object on the ground, there are numerous short shorts of different camera's, which suggest that the government is watching.

Andrew Mathews' paranoia already starts to develop in the opening, this can be seen when he looks into the camera, and the audience can see him from the observer's perspective, Andrew Mathews then packs away his stuff quickly and walks off, quickly.

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