Friday 23 April 2010

Kay Musonda - Question 7. Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the product?

There have been many improvements and developments made since our preliminary task, we have learnt that continuity and time were very important. The first time we did our preliminary , we weren't completely aware of the properties for the editing tools so when we uploaded it onto iMovie we only had limited editing skills; in comparison to now where we have become so familiar with iMovie.

In our preliminary we missed out the opportunity on using advanced equipment such as tripods and tracks moreover we were only given a camera and we had to make do with two characters and a camera man. The narrative surrounded two people in different rooms who then collided and conflict.

Camera techniques we used included an establishing shot, mid shot, point-of-view shot and over-the-shoulder shot plus applying them these methods to our final piece. Editing used for both the preliminary and final which included long takes , short takes, changes in pace and shot/reverse shot. Shot/reverse shot became extremely important in both pieces because it formed a double perceptive of the narratives and built tension also; this technique is shown when Character A and Character B are speaking in the preliminary and when Mathews is being watched from the CCTV monitor in our final.

Preliminary Task

Final Task

I think the preliminary task not only helped us build our knowledge on the use of camera and editing but also made us aware of what error to avoid in our final piece.

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