Friday 23 April 2010

Kay Musonda - Question 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When creating our film it was vital that we used iMovie which is an application found on the Macintosh computers. I had been used to using Windows software computers so using a ‘Mac’ computer was slightly daunting. But, with all the tuition on this software I quickly got the hang of most of the tools and the effectiveness. When using iMovie I found it easier and more advanced then other editing software I’ve used, I found the quality to be even better than Windows Movie Maker and Magix.

For filming we used different kinds of camcorders, during this I learnt how to adapt to the different kinds of cameras all of which had different features, that became useful to us during the filming process. However we came across different camcorders that had different dysfunctions such as no sound, unable to upload as well as the occasional low battery, so we had to be careful which camera we used for every bit of filming we needed to do. Other equipment used in the filming process included tracks, tripods and black card that became very useful to us when filming the scenes with Mathews.

When Mathews is being watched on the monitor there is a camera displayed in the playground and we were given the opportunity to film Mathews’ character from two points of views. The problems we came across when joining these shots together were the different formats they came in when we uploaded them onto a PC making me have to drag each shot we wanted one by one onto iMovie.

During the editing process we came across issues involving sound, especially with the music. This occurred when we were kept splitting the music into bits and overlapped them together to create a dramatic feel, but formed glitches. However we overcame this problem by getting rid of some beats/octaves and overlapping the sounds correctly to create a flowing sound.

In order to gain awareness we posted our work on social networks such as Blogger, YouTube and Facebook. It was vital that we posted our work on blogger to try adapt our knowledge of technology. I had already been a blogger user so the whole experience of posting comments and blogs wasn’t new to me, but it did allow me learn about new features such as linking my video onto the blog.

I have also learnt the importance of technology especially among the youth who frequently use blogs and how it has evolved from the past two decades, because of this fact many businesses have turned to technology because it is easier and cheaper to operate.

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