Tuesday 2 March 2010

Story Board

Our overall theme of our film is illuminati.
Define illuminati: In modern times it is also used to refer to a purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy "power behind the throne", allegedly controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations.

When completing our storyboard and we tried to put as much detail in as possible. Information including the mise-en-scène, sound, camera shot and composition and how long the shot would be.
We did this as it will be very useful when filming as we will know exactly what the film and there would be no confusion, this means that we could get the filming done as quickly as possible and we could get started on the more complicated aspect of editing.
We also had to pick the non-diegetic music that goes on top of the film, as the new copy right laws we had to find a song or a piece of music from a copy right free site. We are yet to find one right now, but will however keep looking as music is a big part of setting the tone to the film.

Main shots:
1.Tracking shot: Finlay’s eye tracking backwards to reveal his whole body in a triangle frame.
2.Different angles: Finlay on computer and typing rapidly.
3.Camera: Finlay looking up at camera.
4.Camera monitor: Finlay tying and looking up at camera.
5.Different angles: Finlay packing his bags and walking away.
6.Different angles: somebody drawing a triangle and colouring it in. being very frantic.
Other shots:
We would film cameras and things in the shape of a triangle, this would make it more symbolic.

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