Tuesday 23 February 2010

Audience Reseach

For our questionnaire we asked 15 people ages between the ages of 15-18, as these were the people we were targeting for our film.
One of the first questions we asked was what they liked to do in their free time. This specific question helped is build up a customer profile, as we know who we are aiming the film to and can try to relate what they like to do into our film opening:

From this question we found out that most people they enjoy seeing friends and going out. We can interpret this into our opening as we can show our character leading an ordinary life style and take what we found out into the characters interests; like filming the character out with friends.

Another question we asked was what genre of film they most enjoyed. We gave the options of the most known and popular genres and also gave an “other” option to see if there were any genres we left out.
We found out that the most popular genre was comedy followed by action adventure and thriller. As we are aiming to produce a psychological thriller opening it would be difficult to include comedy as it wouldn’t really go with the genre we are aiming for. As horror also got a lot of votes we can make the opening scary, but scary as in psychologically scary and not gory scary. This will attract more viewers and will satisfy them as it was one of their top genres.

We then asked was the most appealing part of a thriller and found out that the most was symbolism, as we are aiming for a more symbolic opening rather then a narrative opening it is good and will appeal to the majority of the audience. Another top answer was narrative as well this could mean that we will make an opening that has a narrative aspect as well.
Overall I found the responses we got very helpful, and enabled us to get a better idea about the needs and wants of the people we are targeting.

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